Grant Writing

Our Teams work collaboratively and closely with our clients to develop competitive grant proposals. Together we create (or clarify) an organizational grant strategy for each prospective funder. Team members use that information to write award-winning grant proposals. Our goal is to make your grant applications shine, rise to the top, and score higher than all the rest.

Our Grant Development Services include:

  • Foundation Grant
  • Corporate Grants
  • For-Profit Business Grants
  • Local and Federal Government Grants (such as HRSA, SAHMSA, DOL, DOJ, DOE, DOT, USDA, EDA, Department of Education, etc.)
  • ARPA, CDBG (some of our favorites!), ESG, CoC, HUD
  • Outside Agency and 5310 Grants
  • United Way Grants
  • Government Contracts
Kim Joyce & Associates
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